Get Certified at Home
Take the RIMS-CRMP Remote Exam
We’re pleased to announce the remote RIMS-CRMP certification exam. For your safety and comfort, you can now take the exam from your home or office.
Whether your testing center is closed or far away, or you’d just prefer the remote option—you can enjoy an uninterrupted process. Simply specify the remote option and schedule the exam at date/time that is convenient for you.
If you’d rather sit for the exam at a Pearson VUE testing center, you may still take advantage of that option. Rest assured that the exam itself is the same ANSI-accredited RIMS-CRMP exam. See how the remote exam works:
How do I prepare for the remote exam?
The remote RIMS-CRMP exam is the same exam you’d take at a testing center. Please follow these protocols to prepare your work area for the exam:
- Your testing area must be in a walled room with a closed door.
- Your desk or surface must be completely clear throughout the exam.
- Other individuals cannot enter the room during the exam.
- Other individuals cannot view your computer screen during the exam.
- You must stay in the room during testing; breaks are not allowed for any reason.
- Water in a clear glass is allowed during testing; however, eating, smoking, and chewing gum are prohibited.
Download the RIMS-CRMP Candidate Handbook for more information.
What’s the process?
When you receive your Authorization-To-Test email, you may proceed with scheduling your exam just as you would for the in-person exam.
- Create an account at the RIMS Pearson VUE webpage. (Be sure to enter your First and Last names as they appear on your photo ID and the Candidate/PTI ID provided in the authorization email.)
- Then sign in at the same page.
- Select “Online from my home or office” or “a testing center.”
- On the dashboard, enter the Private Access Code you received in the Authorization-To-Test email.
- Agree to the online exam policies.
- Schedule your exam.
After you schedule your exam, please review the technical requirements and download the OnVUE software to confirm compatibility with your computer so that you’re ready on exam day. Then run the systems test the day before your exam and again an hour or two before your scheduled exam time.
Your Authorization-To-Test email will explain this in detail, so look out for it after your RIMS-CRMP exam application is approved.
Contact RIMS-CRMP@RIMS.org.