How to Become an Advocate
Sometimes the hardest part of engaging in advocacy can be figuring out where to start. As a risk manager you know how important it is to advocate for the legislative and regulatory issues directly affecting your ability to do your job.
This element of the toolkit is meant to provide specific resources on “how-to” when it comes to engaging with your policymakers—particularly with your Members of Congress and their staff. This toolkit is meant to help you think through how you can get involved, and provide resources to help you along the way.
In 15 seconds… | You can share the RIMS Advocacy Newsletter, an article or blog post about a legislative issue RIMS is concerned with. |
In 30 seconds… | You can volunteer to join the RIMS External Affairs Committee during the fall call for volunteer submissions. |
In 3 minutes… | You can call an elected official, share your view on a piece of legislation and ask them to vote for or against it. |
In 5 minutes… | You can write an e-mail or a letter to an elected official, sharing why you care about a current issue, how it impacts your community, and what you would like them to do about it. |
In 15 minutes… | You can give a presentation to your chapter about RIMS Advocacy concerns and efforts and encourage them to get involved. |
In 1 day… | You can attend the RIMS Legislative Summit to advocate on behalf of your chapter and the entire risk management community. |